Hamilton new jersey fake gun
Hamilton new jersey fake gun

We only source our replica weapons from top manufacturers like Bruni, Denix, Ekol, Kimar, and Zoraki. Replica guns are also a great alternative for collectors because you can enjoy the visual appeal without the legal complications that sometimes come with collecting real firearms. Featured in films and used by many civilian, military, and police organizations, their report is comparable to the sound of live rounds. They feature single, double, and semi-automatic actions and their realistic movement and sound also make them ideally suited for firearms practice, safety training, and canine training. Our top and front-firing blank guns are perfect for re-enactment, stage, and film. Some models can be fully broken down and re-assembled. Each one is crafted from quality materials such as real metal and wood, giving it the look and feel of its original counterpart. Our non-firing replicas feature an incredible attention to detail with moving parts and working action. Our modern pistols and rifles are replicas of some of the most recognizable and highly sought after models from industry leaders like Glock, SIG SAUER, and Beretta. Our historical replica guns are based on iconic manufacturers like Remington, Colt, and Winchester. If you have a passion for gun collecting and want to display some of the great weapons from the past and present, Armory offers a wide selection of rifle and pistol replicas from many time periods.

Hamilton new jersey fake gun